Sound Familiar?
Does any of the above pictures sound familiar? Or do you have your own horror story to tell? I believe every single adult has at least one horror story about their job or a job they once had.
My last job was my horror story job. Instead of including the whole story I’ll give you the very short version. My father was living with a cousin of mine, his niece. My cousin and her partner stole approximately $65,000 from him. Withheld his medicine from him–when he didn’t do what they wanted. Would harass him, bully him abuse him, and more. When I took off from work to get my dad and get his affairs in order, I was basically given 2 choices from my boss–my father, or my job. I came in 2 days later and turned in my store keys. That was 3 years ago.
So Are You Unhappy with Your Job??
Do you have your own horror story? Please share it with us in my comment section below. I am pretty sure many of us can relate to it.
I know that in any job you have to put up with a lot. That’s just life. And most of us do. We have no choice if we want to feed, clothe, have shelter for your family. Not to mention needing money for gas, to get to that crappy job, that you’re unhappy with. We all have bills, so we bite the bullet and go to work every single day.
Paycheck to Paycheck
Some barely make it paycheck to paycheck. I remember living that way. Having to decide what bills got paid that payday, and which could hold off till next payday. It was a constant struggle. It would become so stressful.
We used to go to a grocery store warehouse, cause the groceries were cheaper there. Calculator in hand we would shop. And we always had a budget, as well as a list. Which, we rarely strayed from. Yet many times we would decide to put back one thing or another, cause the girls needed their baby cereal or diapers. It was always a juggling act. I’m sure some of you can relate.
Thank goodness our girls weren’t in school yet, cause there would’ve been no way we could have afforded to school clothes, book rentals, school pictures, fundraisers, etc.
If, only you had just a little bit more money. Just enough so you don’t have to decide between groceries or the light bill.
Are you tired of always having to tell the kid’s no because there just isn’t enough money in your budget for them to play basketball? Or to go on a field trip to the museum, which afterward they will be eating lunch at McDonald’s, so they need $5.
Ever have this happen? And it almost always happens in between paychecks!! You are ready to head home after working an 11-hour day, and your car has a flat?? I’ve gotten up in the morning and had that happen. We would dig in the couch cushions, empty out the penny jar, so we’d have enough money to get our tire fixed. You have your fingers crossed, that they can fix it, cause you didn’t find enough $ to buy a retread tire.
I won’t mention the arguments you have with your husband/wife over money, I know you’ve lost count. But it does take its toll.
OR maybe you don’t mind your job. You enjoy doing what you do and that is fine. No, in fact, that is great, right? But you only wish you got a bit more hours or got paid just a little more. As hard as you work, you should get a raise. But you know. that’s just wishful thinking.
What If You Could…
What if you could work your current job, yet learn another skill? I know. I know, you’re thinking yeah, right! Stay with me here, OK?? What if you could learn another skill, that will teach you how to have your own business?? What if I told you that you could learn this new skill in your spare time?? I can hear you know..spare time?? What is that??
Let’s say you found an hour here and an hour there and before you knew it you had a website built? Yes, you can learn how to build a website, with no experience whatsoever.
Now, with your new website, how would you like to know how YOU, can make money with
it?? Yes, you and your website can begin to earn money. I don’t know about you, but I, personally, was able to find a little more ‘spare time’, cause I wanted to make money with my website.
it?? Yes, you and your website can begin to earn money. I don’t know about you, but I, personally, was able to find a little more ‘spare time’, cause I wanted to make money with my website.
I began to learn about affiliate marketing. And how to get traffic to my website. I had never even heard of affiliate marketing before, but I quickly learned what it was. And I did all of this in my spare time. On my schedule. I could go as slow or as fast as I wanted.
So now you have built your very own website. With affiliate marketing, you can now go into business for yourself. And learn how to start making money with your website.
Yes, you are still working your current job, but now you have a dim light at the end of that tunnel.
Working From Home
Now, wait, I failed to mention that all this learning, website building, that you’re doing all of this at home. See, you can find that spare time. Instead of watching that news show, or another re-run of That 70s Show, you can shop online, in your PJ’s and do some work on your business. Your website;
The money isn’t instant, but that’s why you’re still working your ‘other’ job. BUT with time and dedication, you could actually begin to make enough money, full-time money, which you then, can go in and quit that ‘other’ job.
You get to create your own schedule. No more having to answer to ungrateful bosses. No more having to work with lazy co-workers. You are now working for yourself. For a business that you own. And in affiliate marketing. But you don’t have to do just affiliate marketing. The sky is the limit.
What if I Told You… that you can begin this learning for free, would you believe me??? It is true. You will learn, in baby steps, not information overload, how to build a website, learn what keywords are, learn how to bring traffic to your new website and how you can make money with your website….all for free!!! That’s 10 free lessons!
Won’t You Give it a Try?
Give it a try. Do those first 10 lessons for FREE. No credit card is needed, just an email address and you can log in and then begin your free training
See for yourself the information that you can learn, for free. If it’s not for you, walk away. You’ll get no emails asking you to come back. You tried it, now isn’t the time, and that’s it.
BUT if you can see how this venture can pan out and make you money, and you decide to keep going, let’s do this. It can be done.
Wealthy Affiliate is the best affiliate platform on the entire Internet. It actually teaches you something. After, your free trial there is a fee. $19 dollars your first month, and $49 every month after. STOP! Before you close this window out let me finish. I know if you probably don’t have an extra $49 just lying around, and that’s understandable. I didn’t either. But I was able to cut back on my frappes, my Starbucks coffee, and my Frosty’s. But what if you can bring in enough income to start paying for your membership, would you consider doing it then??
You can also pay yearly, which in the long run is way cheaper. Averages to be about $30 a month=$359. BUT WAIT, if you join next month, during our Black Friday special, you can join for a year for only $299!!! Between now and then–a little over a month, you can skip a latte or two. Cut back on that soda pop, and actually have enough saved up to join for $299. That’s even a better deal, averaging to be $24.91. Once you do the free training, you will see that here is the answer to all your problems. That, you too, like hundreds of thousands of others, can make money online, and gain financial freedom! I just love that word, ‘financial freedom’.
It can be yours if you are willing to buckle down, apply what you have been taught, and persistence. Think of the many things you would like to do if you gain financial freedom. Then use those as your goals to give yourself and your family what is deserved!!!
For that cost, you get continued training. And I don’t mean another 10 lessons, you get way more than that. You have an entire community that will help you. One on one, live training. And THERE ARE NO HIDDEN EXTRA COSTS!!!! That’s what I was worried about, but nope. I am getting so much training, I have three websites, with earning potential. I’ve already made money off of my first website!
Think of the goals you can set for you and your family. Think about having the money to reach those goals. This is NOT a get rich quick scam. There are PLENTY of people in the Wealthy Affiliate community that are making full-time money and work only for themselves.
AND you can work from anywhere you want!! I’ve taken my laptop to Florida. In fact, it was while I was down there that I came up with my idea for my first site! I’m serious, Wealthy Affiliate is AMAZING!
Start for free today. No commitment, no credit card, nothing for you to lose. Do those free 10 lessons. Build your website, learn amazing information from understandable, short videos. Learn from the members within the community–who are making this work and making money. They want to see you succeed!! It is a community like I’ve never, ever seen. Join for free to see for yourself.
And be sure to look me up! I’m LCEndahl, or you can find me in live chat–where all your questions can and will be answered, by members that are succeeding with their site!. You can read stories that members post. I find those truly inspirational as well as learning something. You can read the success stories. In fact, click here for a quick look on some success stories. They are real! They are from members that belong to Wealthy Affiliate!!
Just imagine writing your own success story. What would it contain???
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